January Mood

Ready or not, 2024 here we are! I hope you all had a really lovely holiday season and that 2024 is being really kind to you so far. We enjoyed a slow Christmas, some time in Phoenix with dear friends, a few stomach bugs, some wonderful time off together as a family enjoying Michael’s winter break. We’re officially back to our regularly scheduled programming — Michael’s back at school, the girls and I are spending these chilly days at home bouncing from “to do” to “to do,” and we’re really enjoying a little bit of cozy hibernation.

My January mood is pretty much summed up in the Barefoot Contessa — I have become totally obsessed with her this winter and find myself watching Ina all the time. We’ve been cooking a lot of her recipes (will definitely be sharing some favorites soon). She is just such a vibe and I am learning so much from her. The girls are obsessed with her too which is even more fun.

I’m really drawn to a bit of thoughtful clutter right now — in both interiors and accessories. Keeping things interesting, layered, and unique with a balance of simple so that it doesn’t become too chaotic. Especially into ring stacks and book stacks. Lots more of those in 2024 please.

I’ve never been big on wearing athleisure unless I’m working out — I personally love getting dressed and prefer to wear jeans most days. I’m finding myself, however, being drawn to cozier sets lately (cozy outfits? in January? Groundbreaking). Been really loving this with a cozy sweater. And these socks.

James is 3 years old and I feel like I’m JUST getting to a place where there’s space in my brain for reading, ha. Reading “From Scratch” by Tembi Locke right now, absolutely lovely so far.

More crafting for fun and more messes. I love art and making things, and so do the girls. Looking for lots of crafts and art projects that we all can enjoy making together. Maybe I’ll do a roundup of what I find?

FRIIIIIINGE. Fringe is speaking to me right now. Currently on the hunt for the perfect vintage fringe jacket. Stand by. xx




A Very Ina December