Hello, October.
Happy October! It’s been a minute — the past few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind, but I feel like I say that every time I take a “let’s catch up” approach to this blog, ha. Such is life with little kids, right? It is full on at home these days with the girls, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But the truth of the matter is that the blog is what falls off the to do list first, so here I am - caffeinated at 9pm and planning to burn the midnight oil a bit.
Truth be told it’s been a bit of a process readjusting to being back home after being away all summer, but I think we’re finally finding our footing. We’re in a good groove with our routines and I’ve been doing some rearranging around the apartment. Michael and I celebrated 8 years of marriage at the beginning of the month, Georgie turned 4 a couple of weeks ago, and we’re gearing up for her Halloween themed birthday party this coming weekend (weather permitting - NYC seems to be plagued with Saturday rain; we already had to push it back once so fingers crossed this coming weekend stays dry for us!). We’re finally getting a bit of chilly weather here and I’m planning to make pasta and stews for dinner for the foreseeable future.
I’ve been a bit stuck with what to share in general lately, to be honest. This happens to me every now and then, I get in a bit of a rut where I have a million ideas about things to share, feel overwhelmed by them all and don’t know what to choose, then end up sharing nothing. Constantly trying to work through this and not overthink, haha. Textbook over thinker over here. So starting with a bit of inspiration, because who doesn’t love a good mood board? Have a beautiful week, friends. x