As our time in Sacramento is nearing its end, I can't help but reflect. On the life we've lived here, on the struggles we've faced, on the joy we've's been a season full of it all. A season in which so many unexpected things have unfolded. A season with many tears shed. A season shared with the dearest of friends that have become like family to us. I think it will take me a long time to be able to put words to all that I've learned the past three years - about myself, about marriage, about community, about motherhood..and I don't want to rush the process. I want to be intentional about sitting in the transition in the coming weeks, partnering with God in the process. Abiding with Him in the reflection. Soaking up the feeling of a season walked through from beginning to end, reflecting on the pain of the soil being tilled, enjoying the harvest we now find ourselves in.
Winter doesn't last forever.
When God is silent in the "big" things, seek to find Him in the "small." A hobby explored, a walk on a beautiful day, a hot cup of coffee enjoyed. He's there.
Community is everything. Seek it, open yourself up to it, invest in it, commit to it, don't give up on it.
The goal isn't to be right in marriage, it's to be close. Lead with grace, give each other the benefit of the doubt when you don't find yourselves on the same page.
Raising children is just as much about raising yourself.
All feelings are important, need to be acknowledged and moved through, but feelings (while valid) are not necessarily truth.
Music without words > music with words (coming from a very overstimulated mama!)
When you don't know what to pray, pray nothing at all. Just sit quietly in His presence. Silence can be prayer, too.
When you don' know what to pray, pray scripture. Some scripture that I have prayed many, many (MANY) times in this past season:
Ephesians 3:14-21
Matthew 11:29-30
Romans 8:26-28
When in doubt, take a bubble bath. Never underestimate its power, my friend.