
happy fall, friends! autumn is officially upon us and i. couldn't. be. happier. i anticipate fall all year long and would strongly advocate for a full twelve months of it. cool temps, hot soups, pumpkin-scented everything, and all the sweaters forever please. to say i'm excited to experience fall (and actual seasons, for that matter) here in NYC is the understatement of the century - brace yourselves for lots and lots of pictures of fall leaves. you've been warned. all the girls are asleep (at the same time - what is life???), i've got pumpkin bread in the oven, and i thought it'd be fun to round up a few of my amazon favorites for you guys as we head into autumn.

these clogs. still have the pair i bought last year and they're fantastic (and affordable, too!). they've held up so well so far. highly recommend!

this travel tumbler for hot drinks on the go. i take mine everywhere - gotta keep that #PSL warm, people.

on the topic of hot drinks, we have this frother and i didn't know much i'd enjoy using it until i got it (especially with a clevr blends latte - highly recommend the matcha or chai!).

this buttery soft pajama set. don't be fooled by the fact that they're titled maternity/nursing pajamas -- i'm neither pregnant or nursing and wear them happily. you'll thank me.

this cookbook. cozy, beautiful, and delicious.

these measuring spoons for all the fall cooking + baking. i especially love the long handles!

season-specific reads for your little ones: like this one, this one, and this one.

this diffuser. we have ours going almost constantly - it'll make your space infinitely cozier, trust me!

these adorable fall stickers for the kids (can adults make crafts with them too? asking for a friend).

click here to shop my entire amazon storefront. enjoy! xx


Central Park Play withBitte


Untitled (because my brain is tired and i can't think of one)